Privates School: Better sex education branding for young adults.

Privates School: 
Better sex education branding for young adults.

With STD rates among young adults at an all-time high, Privates School was created to provide informative and brazen, yet lighthearted information to college students about STDs and sexual health. Using playful messaging and characterization, this friendly brand helps students take control of their sexual health once and for all.

Based on my competitive brand and marketing research.

With STD rates among young adults at an all-time high, Privates School was created to provide informative and brazen, yet lighthearted information to college students about STDs and sexual health. Using playful messaging and characterization, this friendly brand helps students take control of their sexual health once and for all.

Based on my competitive brand and marketing research.


This concept brand is envisioned as one-stop facilities for young adults and college students to learn more about sex education, and offer necessary testing and resources to easily and conveniently stay in touch with their health. The brand is presented in a format that's comical and approachable, breaking previous barriers and stigmas attached to sexual health.

window_sign copy
website2 web

See the brand come to life on a digital platform.

View Home Base

See the brand come to life on a digital platform.

View Home Base

Some stuff I've done:

PR MicrositesUI design

Home BaseUX research, case study

Smarter LightsUsability, case study

Privates SchoolBranding

Read This BookAnti-interactive, illustration